• The Most Important Thing

    This week we will celebrate what would have been my niece’s 41st birthday. This year, her birthday lands on Good Friday. What an appropriate remembrance time. Elizabeth believed fully in the power of the Cross. She knew, without a doubt, that the grief of Good Friday is only a stepping stone to the utmost joy we experience with Easter Sunday. God’s Word is very clear. We all deserve death for the sins we commit. Whether the sin is big or small, our trespasses lead to eternal condemnation. But wait. God has a way out for us with a clear salvation plan. He sent His only Son as a Sacrificial Lamb…

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  • silhouette of cross on mountain under cloudy sky during sunset

    Easter Joy

    The trauma is great. Their beloved Messiah has been crucified and buried in a tomb. How can such a thing happen? Distraught feelings permeate the band of Jesus’ followers. Their lives are turned upside-down and they don’t know what is coming next. Sure, Jesus had spoken of returning, but what did that really mean? They feel like they are also targets for Roman punishment and fear is rampant. With all this going on, some of Jesus’ followers venture to His tomb. Scripture describes their encounter as this: “After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. There…

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  • big wooden cross on green grass field under the white clouds

    The Best Day

    As I sit in my rocking chair, a new day is dawning. From my vantage point I can see the subtle changes that occur each morning. As the brilliant morning colours appear, the sky is alive with anticipation of the day to come. It is an exciting time of year as dawn is finally much earlier. As I go about my morning routine, I do so in daylight. That is therapeutic after the long winter months where I had to get going for work in the dark. What a difference it makes in our lives when we start our days in the light of Christ! It changes our perspective. Just…

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