• Praying in the Storm

    The snow swirls around as a storm engulfs our area.  Visibility wanes and mobility suffers.  Paths that were easy to walk yesterday are now impassable.  Going outdoors involves multiple layers of clothing and lots of shovelling. The weather outside goes along with my mood.  The challenging circumstances of life right now engage me in a constant battle of trying to move forward in this blizzard that is my life.  How do I take steps ahead on what seems to be an impenetrable road? My prayers focus on the topic of imploring the Lord to change my circumstances.  Over and over I beg God to fix what is wrong or remove…

  • It Makes No Sense

    I really wonder if anything else can be thrown into this week.  I have been hammered with an onslaught of circumstances that threaten to encompass me.  All of them have been things totally out of my control.  There is nothing I can do to ease them or make them go away. I do not like feeling powerless.  I do not like feeling overwhelmed.  In these pandemic days, I really don’t need any additional stress.   Part of me is angry.  Why me?  This is not the first time the school I am working for is closing down.  Why do I have to deal with the very real chance that I…

  • Focus Upward

    It has been a wet summer around our place this year.  While moisture is needful for the garden to flourish, the abundance of it has created a massive weed problem.  It is a year where I have seen new varieties of weeds – not exactly the kind of diversity I am trying to promote in my garden. Usually I don’t mind a certain amount of weeding.  It goes with the territory.  I love to garden and not everything that grows will be of my choosing.  This year, with the increased amount of nuisance plants, weeding has become burdensome.  Trying to clean up the garden in between rains has become an…

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