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Jump Rope Jitters

Turn the rope. Hop over the rope as it comes to your feet. Turn the rope again and repeat.

The basic mechanics of jumping rope are not difficult. Yet, for my students in the early grades, this task can be daunting. Jumping rope effectively takes coordination and a sense of rhythm, which my young students do not all have as of yet.

I must say I have had more than a few chuckles watching my students as they attempt to make the skipping rope cooperate. Tangles and missteps abound in the early days of learning. On some students I can see the intense concentration on their faces as they try to figure it all out. It is exciting to see them gradually put all the pieces together.

Interestingly enough, my most successful rope jumpers are those that relax and enjoy the fluidity of motion. Those students who get caught up in the technique required, often just end up frustrated and stressed.

I am so like those latter skippers at the moment. Getting news yesterday that I have a minimum month’s wait to find out which class I will be teaching next year makes me want to scream. All I want is to know what I am doing and plan accordingly.

I get over focused on technique and trying to do things right. It can be downright stressful at times. I want everything, not only for my class, but in life, to be in good order. I want to jump in the right places to make things work.

But God is not allowing me that opportunity at this moment. What is He asking of me? Like the child whose motion with the rope is fluid and relaxed, my Heavenly Father wants me to just let go and appreciate the moment He has created for me.

Our Christian walk is similar. Yes, God has rules for us to help provide constructive boundaries and guidelines. But we walk in grace. We don’t have to get every move correct. When we believe in Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, our salvation is secure. That’s what matters.

As we live this life, with all its bumps and lumps, we need to take those moments to relish in our loving Saviour’s mercy and grace. Go with the flow, so to speak.

During physical education class I jump rope alongside my students. The rhythmic motion is soothing. It returns me to the carefree days of my childhood. As my body and rope move in unison, I am calmer.

How do I get in sync like that with my Saviour? Time spent “practicing” together helps. Each time I read God’s Word, I gain new insights in how to live my life for Him. Time spent in calming prayer, not only making my requests known to God, but also praising Him with all my being, is important.
Later this week there will be a jump rope competition at school. That creates jitters for those who are still struggling to master the task. In our Christian walk, we don’t have to feel that way. We all gain the prize when we believe in Jesus taking away our sins through His death and resurrection.

Give those jittery feelings to God and let them rest with Him. He has big shoulders. He can handle them all.

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