• blue lake in summer

    It’s Good to Remember

    Today has been a day of much thoughtfulness. As much as I would like not to, memories invade my thinking processes and emotional well-being. Why do these thoughts wheedle their way into my day? Can I not just put them aside and move forward? Two years ago, today, I faced cancer surgery. That was definitely high on the list of hard days in my life. While the memories dim somewhat, the pain of that diagnosis still makes me shudder. I really can take these memories two ways. I can dwell on the “why me” aspect. That leads me down a path of no good. My other option is to remember…

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  • green trees

    A Living Legacy

    The morning sun seeps into the room, but the woman knows it not. As I sit with her, she asks why the light is not on as it seems so dark. Her beautiful blue eyes, ones that have looked out on me since my birth, are now unseeing and darkness prevails. The sparkle is gone and struggles take hold. Another woman sits in her wheelchair, alone in a strange place. No one is familiar to her and she seems lost in the vastness of the new facility. Her joyful chuckle is not totally silenced, but it is vastly diminished. She is filled with great unhappiness at being separated from all…

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  • green leafed trees

    Who is Fighting This Battle Anyway?

    Do you ever feel like you are continually on edge, struggling against forces seemingly out of your control? It can happen in many areas of life – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Whether it is dealing with health issues, financial difficulties, weather elements, or relationship challenges, it can become overwhelming when the fight to stay afloat is a continual occurrence. I know I could give you multiple examples from my own life. Far too frequently I am weary with trying to continue forward when the forces against me seem to prevail. Just trying to keep one foot in front of the other can be a challenge when the walls of…

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  • emerald river in summer

    The Walls Come Down

    It is moving day today. Once again, I must change classrooms. Throughout my teaching career I have had to pack up and restart many times. Believe me, the whole moving thing is getting old. This time is somewhat different. Almost our entire school is moving today as we make a shift to more concentrated grade areas and spaces for our students with challenges. I am moving to a permanent space – one I can finally call home for the remainder of my career. That is exciting and I am looking forward to this new start. The move is not without some grieving though. Yesterday the tears were flowing. This is…

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  • palm trees by beach at sunset

    Just Too Much Going On

    Some weeks are just more hectic than others. I have had times in my life with extensive to do lists, but this week seems to surpass them all. I would love to say that I am handling it well and that I am trusting God to get me through whatever happens. That’s not really what’s going on. Some days I am keeping my cool, but more often than not, small things set off a string of emotions and sometimes even tears result. As I take some moments to write out my thoughts and feelings (a healing thing for me) I ponder what will turn things around for me right now.…

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  • body of water at daytime

    The In Between

    Have you ever been caught hanging, not really in one place or in another – that wretched place of indecision, confusion, or disillusionment? Those days of not knowing can cause havoc with our systems – both physical and emotional. As I sit in the in between at this moment, my heart is heavy. My brain is foggy and concentrating seems impossible. I am lethargic and strained. This generally out of sorts feeling just drags me down. At moments like these, hope seems fleeting. It is incredibly easy to delve into the bad aspects of the situation and lose sight of the positive. The waiting seems indefinite and my patience weakens.…

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  • flowers on cliff over ocean in daytime

    Where Did I File That?

    In my work as a teacher, one of my tasks is to help my children learn how words are put together in order to both read and write them.  After a few days of doing excellent work on spelling words on their individual whiteboards I asked my students to write a story. As I made my rounds, checking student work in progress, I was surprised to see many of them incorrectly spelling words in their stories that we had been working on lately in word study. The next day as I talked about the importance of putting what they learned about words into practice, I grabbed a piece of paper…

  • flowers on cliff over ocean in daytime

    Imitate What is Good

    You’ve met them. They frequent almost every crowd and ease their way into situations where they are not welcome. On the outside they might appear to be all they should be, but they harbour deep feelings of entitlement and superiority. These people figure their agenda is always the correct one. After all, they know better than everyone else, so they think. A connected value they seem to share is that of selfish ambition. They are thinking more of their own advancement and power than the needs and wants of others. The Church is not immune to the influence of people like these. Most church groups have those that fit this…

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  • green leafed tree

    Miracles From Heaven

    Sometimes something comes across your path that just inspires you. God is like that. He reaches out to us in so many ways, touching our hearts with His message of love and hope. Recently I watched the movie Miracles from Heaven. It is a moving true story about a young girl who has an incurable stomach disorder. Her journey of pain is a difficult one to watch – throwing up constantly, being fed through a tube, living with a distended stomach, enduring multiple procedures and tests. My mother heart ached as I watched the mother in the story fight to find out what was really wrong with her daughter and…

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  • dawn dusk nature ripple

    The Ripple Effect

    My students are enjoying a scientific study of liquids this month. We have liquid races to determine viscosity. We take water and see how it changes between steam and ice. They love exploring all the properties of different kinds of liquids. One thing that intrigues my students is the pattern of water when you drop a single stone into it. This ripple effect is beautiful to watch and the students marvel as the circular ripples fan out from the initial impact point. When we went to speak to our pastor about funeral arrangements recently, one thing he spoke about was the ripple effect that my in-laws have created. It is…

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