Her Heart Lives On
At this time, I am dealing with my mother’s increasing dementia. We are no longer able to have back and forth conversations. She rarely speaks anymore. As I process all that goes with her illness, I am drawn back into thinking about my mother that was and what she has meant to me.
One particular area that strikes me is my mother believing that she really didn’t have much impact in this world. She led a quiet life – focused on her children and grandchildren mostly. She cared for others in her quiet way. My mother raised us with the knowledge of Jesus’ saving grace. Mom made many sacrifices so I could gain an education and have a better life and so my brother could move forward with his career choices.
I don’t agree with her assessment of her impact on the world. Thanks to her diligence and hard work, I obtained a university degree and am a teacher. Thanks to her reading to me daily as a child I have a great appreciation for literacy and the written word. Thanks to her faithful Christian witness I know Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. And the list goes on…
So, my mother actually has made a significant Christian impact.
· She is part of the ministry to every child I teach.
· She shares God’s Word with every person who reads my writing.
· She is part of every relationship I make.
· She is a piece of each one of her descendants.
Some days we wonder if our lives have any meaning at all. Do we make any kind of difference? As per my mother’s example – we certainly do. We have no idea how what we do or say can impact someone else down the road.
God works through our lives in many ways. He uses us as His instruments to share His love throughout the world.

We have been talking a lot about kindness in my classroom this past week. I always read a story to my children called One Smile by McKinley and Byrne. In this story we see the power of a little girl’s smile. As she smiles and brightens up one person’s day, that person goes out and encourages and helps someone else. That person then goes and does the same to another person, and so the chain reaction begins. Many lives are touched through the girl’s smile.
My students and I have many conversations about the impact we make in the world – often in very small ways.
Sharing the Gospel is the same. We might only be able to share with one person. But, if that person shares with others, we have also. The Holy Spirit works through us and beyond us with a far-reaching impact that we will likely never know.
Right now, many of us in the midst of planning for Christmas and trying to find just the right gift for a number of people. I challenge you to consider beyond the physical gift giving and think about ways to impact the lives of others through your words and actions. Then you will be giving the greatest gift of all – the love of our Saviour.
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