• green leafed tree

    Looking Up, Looking Forward

    As my family comes out on the other side of some strenuous months it is nice to finally feel like I can breathe. With the many things that have happened I have been in a space that I haven’t been in for a very long time. I realize that I have been seeing myself as a person in trauma. While that was true, it is not now. Yet I find myself slipping into that thinking more than I would like. Sometimes it takes an outsider to give us perspective. I went for a haircut a few days ago and my hairdresser takes a real interest in me and in my…

  • green pine trees near mountains under blue sky

    Absolutely Delighted

    With major stresses in recent weeks, the word “delight” is not one I would use to describe my feelings or actions. It has been quite easy to dwell inwardly – focused on all that is going wrong. It is a trap that our adversary uses to bring us down and get us to lose hope. The word delight brings about pictures such as pleasure, happiness, and joy. When we delight in something or someone we should be in our happy place. At certain times in our lives, however, delight does not come easy. When the bills mount up or a marriage falls apart, when a loved one receives a bad…

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  • mountain beside body of water with aurora borealis

    Prayer is a Powerful Tool

    Throughout the Biblical narrative we see many examples of God using people from all kinds of places and backgrounds to fulfill His purposes. One such person is Eliezer of Damascus. He was a servant in Abraham’s household. Abraham trusted this faithful steward a great deal. In fact, he valued him to such an extent that he sent Eliezer to Nahor, entrusting him to find Isaac a suitable wife amongst the family’s relatives. This was an involved and challenging task for Eliezer. Yet, as a faithful and obedient servant, he knew he must find a way to carry out Abraham’s wishes. The choice he made would have a significant impact on…

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  • water ripple

    Her Heart Lives On

    At this time, I am dealing with my mother’s increasing dementia. We are no longer able to have back and forth conversations. She rarely speaks anymore. As I process all that goes with her illness, I am drawn back into thinking about my mother that was and what she has meant to me. One particular area that strikes me is my mother believing that she really didn’t have much impact in this world. She led a quiet life – focused on her children and grandchildren mostly. She cared for others in her quiet way. My mother raised us with the knowledge of Jesus’ saving grace. Mom made many sacrifices so…

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  • snow mountain near brown field under cloudy sky

    Something Beautiful

    My heart is breaking. As I sit in the depths of the night and watch my dear daughter suffer, my whole being is wracked with a mixture of fear, sadness, and uncertainty. As the hours trickle by and we still have no definitive answer as to the cause of my daughter’s intense pain, I cry and I pray. All I can do is lay my hurts and those of my daughter at the foot of the only One who can get us through this. In the wee hours of the morning the answer comes – a life-threatening condition, but with solid treatment options. We are grateful for a plan but…

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  • tranquil autumn forest reflected on lake

    Things Can Change

    The man runs with fervor hoping to escape his captors. His breath is heavy as he runs hard and seeks to find a place of refuge. After years of living in servitude, he is done. The penalty for being a runaway slave may be death, but he has to take that chance. Freedom is imperative to him – so much so that he steals money from his master in order to expedite his getaway. His journey takes him many miles from all that is known and familiar. He has no friends or family to rely on. How is he going to manage to build a safe life somewhere else? Unknown…

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  • desert during nighttime

    No More Hunger or Thirst

    In this post Halloween week, I have witnessed the effects of too much candy on a number of my students. I have seen kids with lunch kits filled with large amounts of sweets and kids comments about how they ate candy for breakfast. All of this leads to students who function at less than their full capacity. What we fuel our bodies with is critical for our well-being. Our bodies are so intricately created by our Heavenly Father. It amazes me how each part intertwines with another and works in seamless function to keep our bodies going. This can go awry though when we do not nourish our bodies properly.…

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  • close up photo of water

    The Effects of Dehydration

    In a typical week, my days move swiftly. The pace in my classroom is always fast, often hectic. Keeping my little people engaged and on task is a primary focus in my day. I expend a great deal of energy to keep things moving and I am on my feet a great deal of the day. I adore what I do. Working with children enlivens me – but it definitely causes me issues when it comes to my physical well-being. The biggest issue I have in the classroom is I get dehydrated. In my fast-moving day, drinking water gets forgotten. As I gather my things at the end of the…

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  • vibrant fall foliage at cove island park in stamford

    Conquering Obstacles

    In times of difficulty the following Scripture verse is often tossed our way: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28 NIV) Okay, so God works things for my good. Then why do I feel so lousy? Why is my life so messed up? Why do I hurt so much? The disconnect occurs when we think that God is going to make everything work out for us the way we want. That is not what this Scripture verse says. What this verse does say is that God is working for our…

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  • clear blue shore

    When Our Boat is Overloaded

    As I work through my planner, I am overwhelmed with the number of things to do in a short space of time. Teaching is always busy, but these few weeks are extraordinarily so with extra parent meetings, student led conferences, report cards, and additional school events. Basically, if my life was a boat right now it would definitely be loaded to the hilt and slowly sinking with all the weight. Add to that some other life events that have occurred and I feel like my ship is being pummelled with fierce waves. It is easy to feel set adrift in times like these. Life gets crazy for a variety of…

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